Monday, September 29, 2008

Unaffiliated Songwriters

Recently I've been posting songs I've recorded on my CD's to my Jerry Corelli Music Blog and in doing so I am posting who wrote the songs I've recorded and published. I've found that songwriters whose songs I've published years ago through BMI have yet to affiliate with BMI as a songwriter. It still amazes me how songwriters fail to learn the business of music. By not affiliating a songwriter collects no performance royalties on their song, or songs. You can lead a horse to water but you sure can't make them drink!

Jerry Corelli

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Songwriter's Guide to Submitting a Demo

This book is now available on at I wrote this book, only 28 pages, because I get deluged with demos that have been prepared incorrectly.
I have been listed in the Songwriter's Market book for about 10 years now and I give clear instructions, like other companies in the book, on how songwriters should send their material. Yet time after time songwriters don't hear back from me and other companies because they fail to follow guidelines.
For example, many songwriters over the years have never heard back from me because they didn't send a S.A.S.E. like the guidelines told them to do. So, this small book can help all new songwriters prepare their demos so they can get positive feed back from music professionals.